Try a taste of Salt

Intro Offer

2 weeks unlimited

Unlimited access to all studios:
Aldinga, Christies Beach & Livestream

Casual Class

Single class

Single in person class at:
Aldinga & Christies Beach Studios

Live Stream Casual Class

Single class

Single Live Stream Class

Explore a more consistent practice

5 Pack

5 classes
3 month expiry

Access both Aldinga & Christies Beach Studios
$21 per class

10 Pack

10 Classes
6 month expiry

Access both Aldinga & Christies Beach Studios
$20 per class

1 Month Pass

Unlimited classes
30 days expiry

Full Access;
Aldinga, Christies Beach & Livestream Studios

Mums 3 Pack

Prenatal & Mums+Bubs classes
3 month expiry

Aldinga & Christies Beach

Become a Salt Yoga member

Unlimited Membership

$38.50 per week
Fortnightly debit

less than $13 per class when you attend 3 times per week

+ 15% Members discount on most events & retail
Unlimited access to all studios:
Aldinga, Christies Beach & Livestream Studios
12 week minimum
Pause up to 8 weeks per year

6 Months
Unlimited Membership

Save $190 by paying up front*

That’s less than $32 per week

+ 15% Members discount on most events & retail
Unlimited access to all studios:
Aldinga, Christies Beach & Livestream Studios
*off fortnightly Unlimited Membership
Pause up to 8 weeks


Live Stream Monthly Subscription

$88 per month
Monthly debit

Unlimited access to our Livestream Studio
No minimum period, cancel anytime
Pause up to 8 weeks per year

Take a little off here

These discounted passes & membership are specially designed to support & give back, in some small way to our;
first responders, frontline health workers, defence force, FIFO workers, yoga teachers, YTT's, students & seniors, as well as carers, those touched by cancer, or in need of compassionate concession.

Casual Class
concession + frontline worker

Single class

5 Pack
concession + frontline worker

5 classes
3 month expiry
Access Aldinga, Christies Beach

10 Pack
concession + frontline worker

10 classes
6 month expiry
Access Aldinga, Christies Beach

Unlimited Membership
concession + frontline worker

$66 per fortnight
+ 15% Members discount on most events & retail
Unlimited access to: Aldinga, Christies Beach & Livestream Studios
NO minimum commitment
Pause up to 8 weeks per year

To access to these passes;
please email to advise of your concession & we will enable your account

Gift cards.

Give the gift of yoga with our e-gift cards

You can turn any of our above passes into an e-gift card by selecting the ‘Gift this to a friend’ option at the top left side of the purchase page before you check out or, click the button below to choose your own amount and let your chosen person decide for themselves.